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🧰 Bosch

Bringing a pen & paper process into the digital age.


Bosch — a leading provider of tools to construction job sites around the world — came to our team with a vision for a cutting-edge user experience that would allow job site managers to submit and track tools for repair online, totally free of the paperwork and endless phone calls that have plagued this process for decades.

UX & UI Designer

Gorilla Group


With a user base that can be reluctant to adopt new technology, delivering a painless repair request system that’s easier and faster than calling was paramount. 

I designed a flow that requires only 3 essential steps and can be completed in about 2 minutes. To manage active repairs, I created a dashboard for ongoing repair requests that feature oversized info tiles, which provide excellent at-a-glance visibility. 

To tie everything together and set the team up for future enhancements, we created the ProPartner dashboard that utilizes modular content blocks to show job site managers what is most important to them. From Bosch’s integrated bluetooth Bluehound tracking system, to quick action tiles and an activity feed, this demonstrated a cutting-edge digital experience that adds value to Bosch as a distributor.


The Bosch team demoed our designs with real users onsite at the World of Concrete trade show in Las Vegas, gathering insights to fuel the next iteration of the ProPartner experience.

© 2024 Meg Fiechter