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🍖 Sweetwood 

Design that goes BIG.
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Sweetwood’s core product is their FATTY meat stick, a snack that boasts a competitive edge on size and quality of ingredients. They needed a website that fully expresses their swaggering, tongue-in-cheek brand voice and superior product size to other snacks on the market —something that the company felt they had struggled to fully realize in earlier website iterations.

UI Design Lead

The Stable


By weaving Sweetwood's unique brand voice and adventurous lifestyle connection with high-impact, comparative content that demonstrates the size of the product, I worked to ensure the website fully honors everything that has already inspired cult-like brand loyalty among buyers.

I iterated on finding the right touches that would center this USP of size throughout the experience. Where else will you get the opportunity to create a product card boasting “4 LBS OF MEAT!”? Product card hover states reveal mouth-watering photography featuring the raw, flavorful ingredients inside each meat stick. 

My last challenge was to fully evoke the brand’s macho voice, achieved with larger-than-life, bold typography and unexpected flourishes like a series of dinosaur illustrations personifying how hungry one might be.


Sweetwood’s new site launch finally had the client saying, “YES, that’s us on a webpage.” By visibly communicating their USPs and implementing a consistent look & feel we were able to celebrate the brand's unique identity while providing a sound user experience that drives sales from new and returning customers alike.

© 2024 Meg Fiechter